Baby nappies when asleep/legs

4 answers /

Last post: 25/02/2024 at 6:43 pm

Sumaya M
17/02/2024 at 12:44 am

Hi there,

I recently noticed my baby doesn't pee when asleep. She's 3.5 months old. She does have normal wet nappies when awake.

Should I be concerned? She doesn't show any other symptoms that I should be worried about.

Another question (sorry! Thanks x)

My Baby's right left joints has some clicking sounds. She moves her legs well with no issues. Should I be worried?


Health Visitor Emma
17/02/2024 at 2:19 pm

Hi Sumaya

Thank you for your post.

When it comes to our bladders, as long as your LO is having lots of wet nappies in a 24hour period then this is normal. As every one is different it can be normal for LOs not to have a wee for a few hours but as long as she has lots within a 24hr period then this is ok.

You have mentioned your LOs legs has some clicking sounds, is this on every movement or have you noticed this only sometimes? It can be normal sometimes as LOs are growing and developing at a fast pace at this young age, however to help understand this better it may be worth speaking to your Health Visitor who can ask some more in depth questions to identify if this is normal for your LO or whether this needs further assessment by your GP.

I hope this helps

Best wishes

Health Visitor Emma

Paige C(6)
25/02/2024 at 6:32 pm

Take her to the doctor if you're worried even if you're wasting time it'll put your mind at ease.

always get it checked if you arent sure.

Hannah M(941)
25/02/2024 at 6:43 pm

I'd take her to the docs and ask about both x

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