Term time annual leave entitlement
4 answers /
Last post: 26/12/2023 at 10:16 am
I'm trying to work out my annual leave pay entitlement but I find it so confusing for term time working, advice greatly appreciated.
full time staff are entitled to 6.2 weeks per year as work 32.5 hours a week.
i am currently working for 39 weeks a year; 25 hours across 5 days.
It depends on what is written into your Contract and/or Company Hand Book.
mid I was calculating for our staff I would divide the annual leave allowance of 6.2 by 52 weeks and multiply by the 39 weeks you work which would make your entitlement 4.65 weeks.
Best to check with your HR department or Manager, incase they calculated differently!
It completely depends on what policy your employer chooses to use. I work in a nursery & for our term time only staff we pay 43.2 weeks per year spread equally over 12 months so they don’t get holidays they can book but are still paid their holiday pay over the year. Best to just ask.
Check with your HE department. Following a recent supreme court case that decided that all term time are entitled to 5.6 weeks regardless of being term time only. The system is in chaos and changes are afoot.
Any short fall which in some schools are over £100k should be repaid on request.
I would make a request for previous years to see if you qualify and that your new entitlement has been corrected calculated and not on the previous 12.07% pro rated. In some cases these means you receive more holiday than full time workers.