5DPO: pregnancy symptoms and testing at five days post ovulation
Wondering what symptoms to expect at 5dpo? Want to know if it's too early to take a pregnancy test? Here's everything you need to know about what to expect at five days post ovulation.
If this is your first time trying for a baby, you might still be getting used to pregnancy abbreviations, like 'dpo', which stands for 'days post ovulation' and refers to the number of days that have passed since you ovulated.
Ovulation usually takes place around the middle of your cycle for the average 28 day cycle, but everyone's cycle is a different length. The NHS says that ovulation usually occurs about two weeks before your next period. You can read more about how ovulation works, or use our ovulation calculator to check your own dates.
If you already know you're five days post ovulation (5dpo), it's time to get answers to your questions. We've looked at research from the NHS, Healthline and other experts, so that we can help you answer them, so you can know what to expect...
What's happening in my body at 5dpo?
It has been five whole days since one of your ovaries released an egg, and you're probably dying to know what's going on inside of your body. Well, a lot's been happening and we want to tell you all about it.
Keep in mind that the following will depend on when you last had sex and how long your cycle normally is.
At 5dpo this is what could be happening in your body:
- Five days ago you ovulated and your ovaries released an egg. If it wasn't fertilised then it is now travelling down the fallopian tube towards the uterus where it will leave the body with your next period. (This means you're not pregnant)
- Five days ago you ovulated and your ovaries released an egg. Because you had sex in your fertile window, sperm were there to fertilise your egg, and conception may have taken place. If your egg was fertilised then it is now travelling through the fallopian tube towards the uterus where it will try to implant itself into the wall of your womb. (This means that you're not yet pregnant, but there is a chance that you could be in a few days time.)
Here's how it works:
When you ovulate in the middle of the month your ovaries release an egg and it begins to make its way down the fallopian tube towards the uterus.
If you're trying to have a baby you will probably have had sex within your fertile window. This is a period of seven days in total, starting five days prior to ovulation and ending one days after ovulation took place.
it is called your fertile window because sperm can live for up to five days inside the body, and your egg has a 24 hour window to be fertilised. This means that you can conceive any time within that 24 hour period after the egg has been released.
If conception doesn't happen then the egg will pass along with the lining of your uterus when you have your period. If you did conceive, then your fertilised egg will try to implant itself into the lining of your uterus wall.
In general, implantation usually happens somewhere between 6 - 12 days past ovulation (6dpo - 12dpo). So 5dpo is still a bit early. Even if egg and sperm have met, the fertilised egg won't have had a chance to implant in your womb yet.
After implantation happens, your body will begin to release the pregnancy hormone human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). This is what pregnancy tests detect in order to give you your BFP (big fat positive). It also contributes towards early pregnancy symptoms, like nausea, sore breasts and fatigue.
It takes time for hCG levels to build up in your system though. According to Healthline, it takes about 7-12 days after implantation for hCG levels to be detectable. That's anything from 13dpo onwards. So basically around the time that your period would be due.
What symptoms might I experience at 5dpo?
We're definitely getting close to noticing all the exciting changes in your body if you turn out to be pregnant, but right now, it's still a bit too early to be experiencing any real pregnancy symptoms at 5dpo.
At 5dpo implantation still hasn't taken place, although it could be happening very soon (from 6-12dpo). Don't forget that it isn't until after implantation that the body starts to produce hCG which is where your early pregnancy symptoms actually come from, and it takes time for hormone levels to build up in your system.
But never before have such unpleasant symptoms seemed more desirable! So why not prepare yourself for what's to come?
The NHS says the main early symptoms of pregnancy to watch out for are:
- feeling or being sick
- feeling more tired than usual
- sore or tender breasts
- peeing more often
- strange tastes, smells or cravings
You'll want to keep track of all these glorious symptoms when you start getting them so that you can share your experiences on the Netmums Forum with other women trying to get pregnant. They'll all be as eager as you are now to know what they should be feeling and when!
Learn more about the early signs of pregnancy.
What do other Netmums experience?
It's not that uncommon for women to start noticing changes in their bodies when trying to get pregnant. Whether what they experience are actual pregnancy symptoms remains questionable, but there's no denying that a woman is never as hyper-aware of what's happening in her body than when she is trying for a baby.
So we thought we'd share some real-life experiences from other Netmums at 5dpo:
'Hey ladies.. .Anyone else waiting to test next week? Im 5DPO and I know something is happening.. .some say its too early to have any effect.. .but Ive felt crampy (way too early for AF) Ive have lots of CM.. .and trips to the toilet are a joke.. .I know it sounds strange but I distintively remember with my last two pregnancies needs frequent loo trips before missing my AF. Anyone else is a similar position? X' (Confirmed pregnant)
'Hi ladies! Currently I am 5 DPO TTC number two after 3rd cycle. Had a miscarriage in December and have been trying ever since. Today I have been experiencing mild cramping almost period like, sensitive breasts which feel heavy, had a dizzy spell this afternoon, watery cm almost since 2dpo. So hoping this time around.is our time and that what I may be feeling is implantation?? Anyone else experienced anything similar?' (Pregnancy not confirmed)
'Hey! New girl here! I'm 5dpo and going absolutely crazy symptom spotting trying to make the smallest thing tie in with pg symptoms 🤣 I *THINK* I have tender boobs? I'm having very slight cramps since 1dpo but I have to concentrate to feel them, I'm tired but always am! Tmi but my cm dried up for 2 days now I'm back to creamy and its getting more every day, and i have opk from the last 2 days getting darker! I realise I sound like an absolute loon and have waffled on a bit 😂 anyone else a bit like me?' (Confirmed pregnant)
'Hi ladies ... Currently I have creamy cm... Tmi1 sore nipple (strange it's only 1!) slight lower abdomen cramps, on and off sickness feeling all day and off my food.... Due AF 16th.... Fingers crossed eh!' (Pregnancy not confirmed)
– LB1981
'I had a huge temperature dip at 5 dpo and googled implantation til my fingers were sore! 5 dpo is a little early but who knows?! I was told that I couldn’t have ovulated with my son on day 9 but I knew I had. BFP confirmed at the family planning clinic a few days before my period was even due and then I was put forward by nearly a week on my scans.
My point is, anything is possible' (Confirmed pregnant)
'For the past two days I have had a headache and the worst nausea. The last time I was this nauseous was when I was pregnant with my daughter in 2010. Which is fine but I'm only 5dpo?? I have a strong stomach and have honestly not experienced any kind of nausea since my pregnancy with my daughter so this is very strange for me. I had an ectopic pregnancy in September and had my left tube removed. Not sure if that has anything to do with this. We haven't been actively trying to conceive so this is definitely not me imagining this in the hopes of being pregnant. I don't think there is a point in testing yet but is it even possible to experience signs this early on??' (Pregnancy not confirmed)
– Jes60xmo
'I am 5dpo and have started experiencing cramps, twinges, shooting pains and lower back pain. This has lasted the whole day and feels like I’m ready to come on my period, however I’m not due on until 01/05/2021. I come on my last period on 03/04/2021 and after my period passed I used the clear blue advanced digital ovulation test to track my ovulation. On Sunday 18/04/2021 I got a solid smiley face indicating that I was at peak ovulation and the next 48 hours would be my most fertile time and highest chance of ovulation. I also was tracking my ovulation through a calendar and I was due to ovulate on the 19th so it was pretty much bang on. Sorry for TMI but me and my partner where having regular intercourse 2-3 times a day every day and now I’m wondering if I could be pregnant but I know it definitely to early to tell.' (Pregnancy confirmed)
– Lori O
'Hi Lori, I had the same as you at around 5 days , then came the nausea metallic taste and cramps . I’m now 3 weeks pregnant so fingers crossed and sending you baby dust you get the same outcome' (Pregnancy confirmed)
Can I take a pregnancy test at 5dpo?
Unfortunately it's still too soon to take a pregnancy test at 5dpo. We know it's getting harder and harder to wait. Even if you have a fertilised egg, implantation hasn't occurred yet, so you won't be pregnant yet either way.
There would be no hCG is present in your body yet either. It takes time for levels of the hormone to build up in your body before they are detectable by a pregnancy test anyway.
The NHS recommends taking a pregnancy test from the day your period is due, which is typically about 14dpo for someone on an average 28-day cycle. Extra-sensitive ones can be taken as early as 9dpo. We recommend waiting at least until your period is due though, if you want more accurate results.
Learn more about when to take a pregnancy test.
How can I get through the TWW?
The two-week-wait has been said to be two of the longest two weeks in a woman's life. You're likely to be experiencing all kinds of different emotions, from anticipation and excitement to frustration and stress. The only way you're going to get through your TWW is to be kind on yourself and try to find healthy distractions.
We know it's easier said than done, but one thing's for sure, it's not impossible. So arm yourself with a good book, a new box set or series of Netflix, and download a few new games onto your phone to help pass the time in a more enjoyable way.
Alternatively, pour yourself into a new project to take your mind off things. Decluttering your home in preparation for the big changes ahead is a great way to direct your energy and be constructive.
Baby-related craft projects can also be a fun way to channel your energy positively and celebrate the journey you're on. You could crochet a beautiful baby blanket or outfit for your newborn. Manifest your pregnancy by acting like it's a sure thing.
But don't go as far as to try testing this early. It can be tempting to take a pregnancy test early, but there's no point. A pregnancy test will only breed more frustration, as it can't tell you anything meaningful at this point.
You might find it helpful to share your experiences. Why not chat about your symptoms and find buddies to support you through the TWW by joining a Trying To Conceive Club in the Netmums Forum?
You can also check out our other top tips for surviving the TWW.
More on DPO
If you want to keep an eye on your potential pregnancy symptoms and what's going in your body on each day post ovulation, check out our articles from day 1 to 19:
1DPO • 2DPO.• 3DPO • 4DPO • 5DPO • 6DPO • 7DPO • 8DPO • 9DPO • 10DPO • 11DPO • 12DPO • 13DPO • 14DPO • 15DPO • 16DPO • 17DPO • 18DPO • 19DPO