Empty Gestational Sac at 6w5d - Success Story

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Last post: 21/02/2024 at 5:23 am

Amber P(89)
21/02/2024 at 5:23 am

Hi Netmums,

I wanted to jump on here because something a wise person once said to me came to mind: "Don't forget to thank God when you get what you prayed for." In this instance, God came through in all of the hopeful and inspiring stories I read across forums like netmums when I was fearing I had a blighted ovum. So I'm here to give my thanks and carry a message of hope.

2 and a half week ago I started having brown spotting. I knew it wasn't an emergency so I decided to just wait for my first OB visit to address it, which wasn't for another 10 or so days. I also had discomfort on my lower right pelvic area, but it wasn't more than a dull ache so I also wasn't concerned. 2 days after the spotting started, I woke up to use the restroom and felt myself pass a large clot. I looked in the toilet afterwards and it was red; like the start of a heavy period. As a nurse I know about ectopic pregnancy though I've never experienced one so reluctantly but anxiously went to the ER since was home alone. They asked my LMP and I also knew my conception date since it was the last time I'd had sex before my positive pregnancy test and also my expected day of ovulation. So that out me at 5w6d and the measurement of my gest sac aligned with that. My relief at having an intrauterine pregnancy amd not an ectopic was overshadowed by the fact that the gest sac was empty... at 5w6d using a TV ultrasound. By no means diagnostic of blighted ovum but concerning to me. My hcg was 22,000. 2 days later I followed up with my OB who put me at 6w2d based off my lmp. Gest sac measured 15mm and WAS STILL EMPTY. this is when I started going on forums to look for success stories. From all I read, it seemed that I should be able to at least see the yolk sac by this time. Also the fetal pole... but at least the yolk sac. I thought it was going to take a miracle to see a fetal pole at my appt scheduled for 7 days later. My hcg kept rising but that didn't matter; it would anyway with a blighted ovum. Mind you, I continued to spot brown this whole time.

7 days and obsessive reading of everyone's experiences online later, I had my 7w2d ultrasound today. My OB immediately saw the fetal pole. He played the heartbeat for me which I only heard for a second because I started laugh-crying in relief and he couldn't hear it with my body shaking with happiness! He said the "little peanut" was small- measuring 6w5d. He said the sperm must have hung out for 3 days before deciding to join with the egg. So a word of caution, because I was dead sure of my conception "date" even knowing implantation could be delayed I somehow forgot to consider conception being delayed 3 days would make all the difference in an early scan. I didn't see anything in my first 2 ultrasounds because it was just too early. Only by 3 days ladies. So unless you're IVF, I am gonna tell you right now, you can't be sure of your dates. I was the most sure of the sure and I was wrong! That means my bleed at what I thought was 5and6 could have been my implantation bleed. Who knows. So, stay positive. I will never get another ultrasound that early again if I get pregnant again, unless I'm bleeding out. The stress was not worth it. But I did realize, on my way to the appointment, some Bible verse from my childhood days came to mind. Something about "putting away childish things." I knew the scan could go either way and if it didn't go the way I wanted it to, I had a choice between feeling abandoned and wronged by God or accepting whatever came and not losing faith in the beauty of Life's experiences. I made a decision to still trust God no matter the outcome... and I was pleasantly surprised. No, delighted.

Thank you sincerely for being there for me when in my worry and anxiety I looked to the experience of others and mom voices reached out across time and space online to offer comfort and hope. I hope this reaches who it needs to.

God bless you.

Xo Amber

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