8 month old with flat head. Can anyone suggest anything to help?

8 answers /

Last post: 30/01/2024 at 9:53 pm

ST (5)
ST (5)
22/11/2018 at 3:55 pm
Hi my little is 8 months and has a a flat spot to the back of her head, more flat to one side than the other due to having a preferred side. From around 3 months we noticed it and brought some things to help. I think it has improved very slightly over this time, but only slightly, her head doesn’t seem to sit as high. We used a pillow, sleep curve mattress and tried to get her off her head when we could.

I wanted to ask if anyone’s little one had a flat head around this age and if it corrected itself over time. My little girl has been sitting up since 5 months and only really now spends time on her head when alseep, at night she most often turns to her side.
I am worried I may have to go down the route of having her in a helmet to correct it, but am hoping someone may show me that it will correct it’s self.

I will try and add some photos. First photo is of her head now from all angles, and I have added a photo of the top of her head, first top left was July, top right August, bottom left sept and then now.
Wondered what u think? Is it bad and needs some help?

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Claire tilly
22/11/2018 at 4:00 pm
That's what my daughters looked like for a while, she's 11 months old now and it has corrected its self, we kept her off that side as much as possible by using teddy's in her cot and also it sorted its self out when she learned to sit up
22/11/2018 at 7:30 pm
I’d take her to your gp or hv and get a professionals opinion. You don’t want to risk waiting in case it doesn’t correct itself.

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22/11/2018 at 7:48 pm
My son's head is also like this he is 4 months old - my hv said it's because he's lay on that one side the most and a baby's skull is still soft - she said that once he is sitting up more than it will eventually go back to a normal shape..... so hopefully in time it just will x
22/11/2018 at 8:35 pm
Wow it looks like it is getting better quickly. My lg had it. Safe to say by the time she was 1 it had all sorted itself out. I did taker to gp at 6 months but she basically said unless it’s still like that at 12 months not to worry. So give her a bit more time to grow. Lots of tummy time and sitting up and it should sort itself out
ST (5)
ST (5)
22/11/2018 at 11:09 pm
In answer to
Wow it looks like it is getting better quickly. My lg had it. Safe to say by the time she was 1 it had all sorted itself out. I did taker to gp at 6 months but she basically said unless it’s still like that at 12 months not to worry. So give her a bit more time to grow. Lots of tummy time and sitting up and it should sort itself out
Thanks, I feel it has changed, the more I look at photos and look at her now I see it has changed and got a little better and certainly not worse. Just don’t want to wait and then have guilt I never did anything, but me and my husband have spoken and have said about giving her till about a year and take photos each month and see if it improves more. Luckily it doesn’t effect her face or anything which I have heard it can. She has a lot of time off her head and has done for the last couple of months, unless she naps which is only twice in the day and they not long, she does sleep right though the night, and has been a great sleeper from the get go at night. But she is now sleeping most the night on her side, so am really hoping it’s just going to get better and better.
Wasn’t sure if there was anything I could use to help. Sill have the pillow I use if she is napping at home, but that’s all now, as she no longer used the sleepcurve as she rolls around the cot.

Don’t want to go down the helmet route so really hoping it’s keeps improving.
Nice to hear ur little ones head got better, gives me positive steps forward I am doing the right thing, and just will wait a little longer and see.

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Claire tilly
24/11/2018 at 8:56 pm
This is what my daughters head looks like now
CAT O(14)
Cat O(14)
30/01/2024 at 9:53 pm

Hey, I am in the same boat as you were (aware you posted this a few years ago) and my son is 8 months old and we are deciding whether to get a helmet or wait and see if his head corrects itself. Do you mind me asking what happened to yours? My sons shape is very similar to yours x

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