16DPO: pregnancy symptoms and testing at sixteen days post ovulation
Wondering what symptoms to expect at 16dpo? Want to know if it's too early to take a pregnancy test? Here's everything you need to know about what to expect at sixteen days post ovulation.
As you probably know by now, 'dpo' stands for 'days post ovulation'. This is a number that tells you how many days have gone by since you began ovulating. It's useful information if you want to know where you are in your cycle so that you can find out when to take a pregnancy test and expect pregnancy symptoms.
Ovulation happens somewhere in the middle of your cycle. According to the NHS it occurs about two weeks before your next period. Everyone's cycle is different though, which means your ovulation date might be slightly different depending on how long your personal cycle is.
You can work out your ovulation date using a variety of methods, for example, watching and keeping track of the changes in your cervical mucus or keeping tabs on your basal body temperature. However, an easier way might be to use our ovulation calculator to check your dates. You can also find out more about how ovulation works.
A lot has been happening in your body at 16 days post ovulation (16dpo). If you're eager to know more you've come to the right place. We've scoured through research from the NHS, Healthline and other experts, so that we can help you know what to expect...
What’s happening in my body at 16dpo?
At this stage it's difficult to say exactly what might be happening in your body. This is because it'll depend on how long and how regular your menstrual cycle is, and when you last had sex.
The past few days however, have been significant for you, as you've come to the end of your TWW (two-week-wait). If you haven't already, now is definitely the time to take a pregnancy test, and the results you get should be accurate.
If you haven't taken a pregnancy test yet, at 16dpo, it's possible that:
- an egg was released from your ovary, but made it through your fallopian tube without being fertilised (you’re not pregnant)
- an egg was released from your ovary, it got fertilised, and it has now implanted in your womb (you’re pregnant)
Here's how it works:
Your ovaries released an egg about two weeks before your period was due. This is called 'ovulation', and the egg has a 24 hour window to get fertilised by sperm.
Your 'fertile window' lasts for seven days, starting five days before ovulation and ended the day after. If you had sex during this time then the egg should stand a good chance of getting fertilised . This is because sperm can live up to five days inside of your body, and so it can wait around for your egg to be released.
If the sperm succeeds in fertilising the egg it's called 'conception'. Regardless of whether the egg has been fertilised, it will then go on a journey down the fallopian tube towards the uterus.
If the egg was not fertilised it leaves the body when you have your period and shed the lining of your uterus. If it was fertilised then it will try to burrow into the wall of your uterus instead. This is called 'implantation'.
Implantation normally happens between 6 – 12 days past ovulation. It is an important event because it now means you are officially pregnant and your body will start to produce the pregnancy hormone, which is called human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). This is what pregnancy tests detect in order to give you your bfp (big fat positive). You'll have to wait a while before you take a test though, because hCG isn't detectable straight away.
Expect to wait around 7-12 days after implantation for hCG to build up to levels that will give a positive result. This is usually around the time you might start to notice early pregnancy symptoms like nausea, fatigue, and sore breasts.
What symptoms might I experience at 16dpo?
You've probably already taken a pregnancy test by now! If you have and you got a bfp (big fat positive) that's great news – you're officially pregnant!
It's common to have taken a test at this stage though and for the results to either be negative or unclear. If this is the case, don't lose hope. If you got your dates slightly wrong then there may just not be enough hCG in your body yet for the pregnancy test to detect. So wait a day or two and try again.
If you're pregnant, or you suspect that you are, you are probably eager to know what pregnancy symptoms to expect and when. You may even already think you're experience some symptoms. The truth is that it's likely to be too early for you to be experiencing may pregnancy symptoms at 16dpo as the hCG levels are still too low.
There are women who do report early pregnancy symptoms though, and it's still a good idea to be aware of what to expect.
The first big sign that you could be pregnant at this stage is your missed period! But be aware that there could be many different reasons for a missed period, and at 16dpo your period could still arrive any day.
According to the NHS, the main early symptoms of pregnancy to watch out for are:
- feeling or being sick
- feeling more tired than usual
- sore or tender breasts
- peeing more often
- strange tastes, smells or cravings
What do other Netmums experience?
Here are some quotes from the Netmums forum, sharing real-life experiences at 16dpo:
'Hi everyone. As the post title says I'm 16 DPO, I did a First Response test yesterday which was negative but my period just isn't coming. There's no signs it is on it's way at all, usually I can feel it coming a few days before it arrives.This is our first month TTC and I'm a bit confused about what's going on. My periods are usually pretty regular.' (Confirmed PREGNANT)
– Car94ure
'Hey there, Just wondering if anyone is experiencing the same symptoms as me. I'm 16 dpo and have been getting sore breasts from 10 dpo (which isn't normal for me when af is due). My last pregnancy I knew I was pregnant because of sore breasts. Haven't been able to sleep but only these past 2 days I'm exhausted, been getting very itchy legs, got a chesty cough 12 dpo, I'm very gassy and also have burped a few times with some sick coming up but only a little. 13 dpo. I had brown staining in my underwear but still no af. Last nite which would of been 15 dpo I was having slight cramps n few pains in my left side, I've noticed cm everyday. Ive done 3 tests up to 15 dpo and all bfn.' (Pregnancy not confirmed)
– Sha13bod
'Hey ladies, I'm currently TTC my first baby. My period is currently about 3 days late (average 30-32 day cycle) but I'm still testing negative. I have read lots of forums from women saying they didn't test positive until weeks after their missed period!! Does anyone have experience with this and if so how long until you finally got your positive?? I have been TTC for almost a year, and this cycle I had (what I believe and hope to be) implantation spotting 6/7 days ago. I can't remember ever experiencing this before. I have NO PMS symptoms which is unusual for me as I normally have very painful swollen boobs for about a week before AF due. Nothing else out of the ordinary...I just feel normal but have an overwhelming incline that I am pregnant!' (Pregnancy not confirmed)
– Dan74pmi
'I can't remember with my first, it was almost 10 years ago I fell pregnant with her and she wasn't planned lol. With my second 2 days late, and had lots of symptoms from about a week before i tested (planned pregnancy). My third I was 4 days early when i got my bfp. had no symptoms till I was about 6 weeks. (planned).' (Confirmed PREGNANT)
'Hi ladies - I tested this morning and definitely (however hard I look at it) only see one line. I am CD 31 and would have expected AF two days ago in this cycle - I usually alternate between 29 day cycles and 37 so was expecting this to have been a CD29 cycle. I know my body is probably playing tricks and AF will arrive but wonder whether anyone thinks it's still possible to get BFP at this stage. Tested with FR this morning.' (Confirmed NOT PREGNANT)
– Lor07mmd
'My mind is absolutely boggled with this. So at 11dpo (day period due) I started with mild cramps thinking AF is going to show. 12dpo still no signs but still having cramps. I'd tested most days and all BFN's. At 2am on 13dpo I wake up with horrendous cramps in my right leg (this is usual for me and my periods have always been really painful) and started bleeding. A mix of brown and red blood (sorry tmi) but not as heavy as my usual period. It was a bit mucusy but not sure of clots. On 14dpo I noticed barely any bloody and more pink but also some red. Then woke up 15dpo and again pretty much nothing (normally I'd still be really heavy by now). So for some reason I decided to take a FRER and it's came back with a faint positive. I've also had really bad lower back ache which is unusual for me and my right boob which was sore has now stopped being sore.' (Confirmed ECTOPIC PREGNANCY)
– Sal C(8)
'Hi all, new to this. I am currently 16dpo and as the title states no af yet (due yesterday) but a negative test this morning. I have had numerous 'symptoms' since around d 6-7dpo. These include slight nausea, occasional breast pain, lots of milky white discharge (especially 7-9dpo), lower back ache, cramps. I felt a sharp pain on 8dpo just the once but enough to make me double up rather quickly. I have had a 'wet' feeling (sorry tmi) down there for the past 2 or 3 days, so much so I needed to put a pad on as I though af had arrived. I'm only just 1 day late but normally I'm like clock work. I've been late once and it was the month I was getting married so put it down to stress. What does everything think? Could I be pregnant? Quick edit... I also have frequent urination as well. Went to the toilet 4 times this morning in the space of an hour.' (Confirmed NOT PREGNANT)
What if I’m spotting or bleeding at 16dpo?
If you've not had a positive pregnancy test result and you're noticing slight bleeding at 16dpo you're probably wondering if your period is coming, or if it could be implantation bleeding.
According to Healthline, 'Early pregnancy bleeding is fairly common and may occur in up to 25 percent of the population. In many cases, it’s the first sign of pregnancy.' They say that implantation bleeding can take place 'between 7 and 14 days after conception.' So there is a small chance that the bleeding you have noticed is related to implantation.
Implantation bleeding is thought to occur when the fertilised egg burrows into the uterine wall and ruptures a small amount of blood vessels in the lining.
It's difficult for most women to tell the difference, but implantation bleeding is typically lighter than period bleeding, and it will only last a few days (24 - 48 hours). Other symptoms of implantation bleeding can be similar to the symptoms you get with your period.
According to Healthline implantation symptoms can include:
- mood swings
- nausea
- headaches
- back pain
- light cramps
- tender or swollen breasts
Can I take a pregnancy test at 16dpo?
Yes, you can definitely take a pregnancy test at 16dpo and expect to get accurate results. According to the NHS you can take a pregnancy test from the day your period is due, which is typically about 14dpo. Just keep in mind that the results may vary if your cycle is different.
Some very sensitive tests may be able to give you a result even before your period is due (from as early as 9dpo), but we recommend waiting to get the most accurate results. If you've already taken an early test and received a BFN (big fat negative) then now is a great time to try again.
Pregnancy tests detect the hormone human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). Your body doesn't start producing hCG until after a fertilised egg has implanted in your womb, and it takes several days for your body to produce enough hCG to be detected by a pregnancy test. Around 16dpo there should be enough hCG in your system for a pregnancy test to detect.
Learn more about when to take a pregnancy test.
Congratulations if you get a BFP (big fat positive)! Now's the time to call your GP or midwife to book your first antenatal appointment.
My period hasn’t arrived, but the pregnancy test is still negative
The TWW felt like it would never end, but you've got through it and now you want to know why your period still hasn't arrived despite getting a negative test result! What could this possibly mean?
A pregnancy test at 16dpo is likely to be accurate, which means if you're getting a bfn (big fat negative) then you're probably not pregnant. You can try taking another one in a few days if you're not sure though.
There are a few reasons your period may be late:
1. You could be pregnant but have low hormone levels
Sometimes at this stage your hCG levels could still be too low. This may be the case if you conceived later on in your cycle. If hCG levels are too low a pregnancy test might not be sensitive enough to detect them, even at 16dpo.
According to Healthline, ''there can be as much as a 13-day difference in when ovulation occurs, meaning that you may think you are 4 weeks pregnant when you’re only two weeks along. Pregnancy bleeding, recent hormonal contraceptive use, or breastfeeding can all interfere with accurately knowing your dates, as well.'
2. You could be experiencing an ectopic pregnancy
According to the NHS, 'an ectopic pregnancy is when a fertilised egg implants itself outside of the womb, usually in one of the fallopian tubes.'. Healthline adds that, in about 3% of cases, an ectopic pregnancy doesn't lead to a positive pregnancy test.
Watch out for the following symptoms and seek immediate medical advice if you spot any:
- severe pain in your lower abdomen or on one side
- dizziness or lightheadedness
- bleeding or spotting
- nausea and vomiting
3. Your lifestyle might have an effect on your cycle
It's very common for your menstrual cycle to be affected by stress and poor diet and become irregular. What you eat and drink can also have an impact, for example, dirking too much caffeine or not eating enough food. Sudden changes like starting a new intensive exercise routine, or doing a lot of overtime at work can also cause changes to your periods, as can being very overweight or underweight.
4. Breastfeeding could cause irregularities in your cycle
When your period returns after having a baby, it'll take some time for it to settle back into its usual flow. Breastfeeding is also unpredictable because your growing baby's needs are constantly changing, so growth spurts and more frequent night feeds could have a knock-on effect on your periods.
5. Medical conditions can affect your period
Irregular cycles, heavy periods and missed periods are common if you suffer from certain medical conditions. You should speak to your doctor if you are concerned about any of these things.
Here are some of the medical conditions likely to impact your cycle:
- polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)
- thyroid problems
- menopause
6. Medications can interfere with your menstrual cycle
Many of us have experienced birth control causing irregularities in our cycle, but other medications can also have an impact and throw it off. If you're taking any medication, it may be worth having a chat with a pharmacist or GP, to check whether it could be affecting your cycle.
If you still think you might be pregnant, it's worth testing again in a few days. If tests continue to be negative, there are plenty of other reasons that you might miss your period this month, and many don't mean there's anything wrong. According to the NHS, you should see your GP if you've missed more than three periods in a row with no positive pregnancy test (but do speak to them sooner if you have any other symptoms that concern you).
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More on DPO
If you want to keep an eye on your potential pregnancy symptoms and what's going in your body on each day post ovulation, check out our articles from day 1 to 19:
1DPO • 2DPO.• 3DPO • 4DPO • 5DPO • 6DPO • 7DPO • 8DPO • 9DPO • 10DPO • 11DPO • 12DPO • 13DPO • 14DPO • 15DPO • 16DPO • 17DPO • 18DPO • 19DPO