Advice so poorly
3 answers /
Last post: 09/02/2024 at 9:52 pm
Hey currently 11+2 weeks pregnant this is 2nd pregnancy, I’ve felt unwell since I was 5 weeks pregnant and it’s got progressively worse I have nausea from the moment I open my eyes, I’ve now had a headache continuously for a week I’m so tired I could sleep standing up, this morning I woke and it just hit me how ill I feel and I’ve spent all day in bed sleeping but I’m still tired my glands are constantly up and I have a stiff neck, paracetamol doesn’t touch me I’m at my wits end I was never this ill with my first pregnancy, I also have fibromyalgia endometriosis and pcos not sure if these are having an effect on how infeel
any advice appreciated
Hi sorry not much advice . I am currently 9 weeks and same as you feel sick from the moment I wake to the moment I go to bed. I don't feel like eating anything I have 1 meal a day and that is bowl of cornflakes.
Do you know what you are having.
I felt exactly like this when I was pregnant with my boy .
Feel so tired all the time.
You poor thing, feeling really rough I’m pregnancy is the pits. Have you considered whether you might have hyperemesis gravidarum? That’s severe morning sickness- either vomming all the time or feeling nauseous all the time. The doctor can prescribe you an antiemetic such as metoclopramide which stops you feeling/being sick. I’m sure everybody keeps telling you to eat this and that and you probably can’t face any of it!! Ginger is really good for nausea and your stomach though and although I’m not much of a ginger fan, I found Gin gins chewy sweets (health food shop) were actually something I could stomach.
Sucking ice cubes or sucking a wet flannel can be helpful if big sips of drinks turn your stomach.
As for the tiredness, do what your body is telling you, if you’re tired, sleep, if you’re fatigued, rest. If you’re too unwell to work, get signed off. It’s time to be selfish and listen to the cues your body is giving you. Especially as you have underlying medical concerns. It’s very hard to stay positive when you’re feeling so poorly, so focus on looking after yourself, one step at a time. Don’t expect too much of yourself and make use of your friends and family and get them to help.
It might be worth considering complementary therapies- reflexology, reiki, homeopathy, pregnancy massage, pregnancy yoga, hypnotherapy to name a few may be helpful.
Best of luck and I sincerely hope you’re feeling a bit better soon. x