What age is appropriate for father & daughter physical contact?

81 answers /

Last post: 22/02/2024 at 7:24 pm

26/01/2014 at 12:25 am
My partner has 2 teenage daughters from Previous relationship (they stay with us weekends) his eldest is 15 1/2 & is very cuddly, she will curl up right against him on sofa or will lie with her head on his chest whilst he sits on dog & my partner will put his arm on her side with his hand on her hip (if that makes sense.) she is always In His face cuddling him etc.

I personally feel this is inappropriate behaviour for a 15 year old. I tried approaching the subject with him today & he basically told me I was abnormal for thinking that it's inappropriate!

This afternoon at her nans she sat on her 24 yr old male cousins knee, this according to my partner is perfectly normal?!???

What age does it become inappropriate ?

I am not in any circumstances insinuating that there is anything un toward going on, I just think it isn't right.

Any advice would be great thank you
26/01/2014 at 12:34 am
She sounds like a cuddly person, as long as she or your partner doesn't feel uncomfortable then I wouldn't see a problem in it.  Can I ask, why is it you that has the problem with it?
26/01/2014 at 12:37 am
There was a very similar thread on here last year which had lots of replies.  The general consensus was that there is nothing wrong with a father being affectionate with teenage daughters.  As far as what age does it become inappropriate for a daughter to snuggle and cuddle her father then I would personally say never and that age is irrelevant.  My eldest daughter is nearly 9 and loves curling up with us on the sofa (so does our youngest), we practice attachment parenting so the kids have always had lots of closeness.

Children need a close, loving bond with their parents and it is very sad that people think physical affection from a certain age is wrong and untoward.  I hope my girls will always be loving towards us and want to sit with us regardless of how old they are.
Becky (6)
26/01/2014 at 12:40 am
I was like this with my grandad. We had an amazingly close relationship....i woukd say this sounds normal x
26/01/2014 at 12:44 am
I used to still cuddle up to my dad when I was 21 as for me a cuddle from my dad made me feel very safe and loved as I knew he was my dad and would always try to take care of me as best he could.  My dad died when I was 24 so I am very glad I got lots of cuddles from him when he was here as I lost him at quite a young age (well in comparison to my friends anyway)  and I still miss his cuddles years later.     I am not sure about sitting on the 24 year old cousins knee though
26/01/2014 at 12:50 am
I'm 27 and still snuggle up to both my parents, sit on laps, crawl into bed etc etc.

I would cuddle up to my dad in the way you have described no problem.

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26/01/2014 at 12:53 am
I still cuddle my dad given half a chance! I used to love lying with my head on his knee watching ski sunday!

Also cousins can be very close like brother/sister. I think I would worry more if she suddenly stopped sitting on his knee as it may mean she is beginning to think differently.
26/01/2014 at 12:56 am
Never - just never! It is never 'inappropriate' for a father and daughter, he has more right than anyone else (besides her mother of course) - he made her!

I love my father, I don't cuddle him as much now because we don't always see eye to eye and clash in our ideals but I am a grown woman, married with 3 children so don't need my dad as much (that's why I have a husband lol)

My grandfather on the other hand, I would give my life to be able to snuggle up with him in his chair again and I would have done that for many years to come. I am sure my husband would be the same with his dad

My dad is worried about being seen in public with DD and to be honest I am shocked! He is her grandfather for goodness sake!! What is society coming to if relatives cannot be close to each other.

One day she will not have her dad, it could happen soon or (hopefully) in many years to come. I'd sit back and watch how amazing the bond between them is because some people either never have that opportunity or cannot have that any more.
26/01/2014 at 1:03 am
it is NEVER inappropriate for a girl to cuddle her father. i WISH i could still cuddle upto my dad.. sadly he died just before my 4yo was born. i still cuddle up to my mum and im 22.. why would it be inappropriate? maybe you only feel this as you didn't have a similar relationship? or do you feel pushed out? not meaning to offend so sorry if i do. but many children don't get a close relationship with their fathers so i would only see this as positive x

Mummy to two beautiful girls 6&4 3rd baby due April <3
26/01/2014 at 1:11 am
Answer is no age! What is the world coming to??he is her father! I was always cuddling up my dad, hugging him and even crawling up into bed to watch the tv at 22. There was never anything inappropriate. They clearly have a strong bond and there is nothing wrong with that. I would give anything to still be able to do that now.
Can't find your answer?
26/01/2014 at 1:14 am

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Hannah S(546)
26/01/2014 at 1:22 am
I feel so sorry for your partner. He's being an affectionate father to his daughter who seems to have a very loving bond with her dad and your making it sound incriminating and wrong!

26/01/2014 at 1:25 am
Sounds like shes a very affectionate person and loves to cuddle!  

🎀Molly-May 01.09.2012🎀
26/01/2014 at 1:27 am
Would it be wrong if a mother kissed & cuddled her teenage son? Or daughter in fact.
26/01/2014 at 9:23 am
I was not implying there was anything untoward going on between my partner & step daughter I was merely asking ,  I did state I was not implying anything.

Yes my dad stopped cuddling me once I started my periods & maybe that's why I'm not comfortable with it.

I was just asking there was no need to have a pop at me

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